Getting out & about with a Baby
or too late to explore the world.
As a new mum I have accepted that at the end of the day your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling.
Before Ernie, I was self employed so I spent a lot of time at home on my own. I’m so grateful to my son for getting me out and about to explore this wonderful world we live in.
Until you have a baby. I don’t think anyone really appreciates just how hard it is to “stay at home” either. It can be pretty isolating and overwhelmingly.
Don’t get me wrong, I love a pajamas-all-day kind of day but when its every day it can be lonely. Luckily my husband and I did an NTC class and met some lovely other new mums so we joined a local Baby Sensory class (which Ernie LOVES!)
And after meeting up for that class every week it gradually built up my confidence to get out about about. At the start, it took just us nearly two hours to get out of the house, but we have got it down to about an hour now. So most days we are off exploring, walking, meeting at cafes and spending time at the zoo’s and aquarium…
I think it’s important to try and balance the time between staying in, having duvet days and cuddling your little one, but also not to get buried under piles of laundry and dirty dishes.